Monday, April 20, 2015

Tecumseh 3/21/15

For the first Hike of 2015 and for the third year in a row we are hiking on the first weekend of the spring.  Two years I hiked North Hancock and thought that I would never hike in winter conditions again.  Last year we hiked a 17 mile round trip hike to Owl's Head.  Maybe we've learned our lesson because this year we decided to hike Mt. Tecumseh the lowest of the 4,000 footers and one on Kyle's list for 48.  It was good to get outside for the day after being snowbound in the house for nearly a month.
Kyle bare booting it up the trail.  Those damn post holers!
View of the Tripyramids in the distance from a ski trail outlook 
View from Tecumseh Summit.
Kyle enjoying a snack and a view.
Clouds rolling in and a good time to get off the mountain.
Glissading better known as the butt slide 

Snow covered Kyle adjusting his pack after "glissading" down the mountain.
We finished the Tecumseh hike around 1:00 and had plenty of time to fit in another "lesser" hike.  We drove about 5 minutes to the Livermore Road parking lot.  We took the Greeley Pond Trail to Goodrich Rock Trail.  On the way we had to hike through the Davis Boulders.  The trail was broken out to the boulder field, but Kyle followed coincidentally some type of cat path and we post holed to Goodrich Rock.

Tecumseh summit from the Livermore parking lot.
Kyle following the trail blazes through one of Davis' boulders.
Ladder to get to the top of Goodrich Rock
Waterville valley and Sandwich Mountain from Goodrich Rock.